Statistics - E10

La 10ème Ban List débute le 31/01/22 avec la décision du comité peasant de bannir Sojourner's Companion. Ce ban affecte une nouvelle fois l'archétype Affinity.

 The 10th Ban List begins on 01/31/22 with the peasant committee's decision to ban Sojourner's Companion. This ban once again affects the Affinity archetype.

Period : 31/01/22-21/06/22
Longevity : 142 days
Nb Topdeck : 77
Nb Tournaments : 43

Card Statistics :

Top 20 Non-Land Cards

121 Red Elemental Blast + Pyroblast
110 Blue Elemental Blast + Hydroblast
101 Lightning Bolt
92 Galvanic Blast
73 Experimental Synthesizer
77 Duress
66 Deadly Dispute
56 Counterspell
52 Kor Skyfisher
58 Spellstutter Sprite
54 Ichor Wellspring
50 Prophetic Prism
50 Chromatic Star
47 Gurmag Angler
46 Faerie Seer
49 Preordain
48 Glint Hawk
48 Hymn to Tourach
45 Brainstorm
45 Krark-Clan Shaman

Top 10 Creatures

52 Kor Skyfisher
58 Spellstutter Sprite
48 Glint Hawk
47 Gurmag Angler
46 Faerie Seer
45 Krark-Clan Shaman
45 Myr Enforcer
38 Thraben Inspector
35 Monastery Swiftspear (U)
33 Disciple of the Vault

Top 10 Non-basic Lands

89 Great Furnace
62 Vault of Whispers
55 Ash Barrens
47 Drossforge Bridge
44 Seat of the Synod
44 Ancient Den
36 Rustvale Bridge
25 Evolving Wild
25 Darksteel Citadel
21 Boros Garrison

Topdeck Statistics :

Top Archetype

Type of decks